NOCH Special Offers
In the NOCH outlet you will find several significantly reduced products from the wide NOCH range! In the outlet model landscaping fans can discover attractive offers and inexpective remainders without spending too much money. From time to time the NOCH sale offers even new items at good prices. Independently from the model railway seasonal sale in the outlet you will find interesting model landscaping items for modelling.
Just start now searching for special items that you wanted to buy months ago but whose price caused you to hesitate. Now make it sure that you get these products! Lovely model figures, trees, grass, walls and portals, laser-cut buildings and many more attractive model landscaping products are available here at reduced prices. Search and find unique specimen for your model layout or diorama. But do not wait too long - the items are available only in a limited quantity! Enjoy online shopping and allow yourself some nice, new products for your model landscape!