This is how you give your body of water the final touches
The NOCH Aqua Effects are ideally suited for creating special features on bodies of water created with the NOCH Water Drops, Model Water or 2K Water Gel. You can re-createrealistic waterfalls or impressive cataracts very easily.

NOCH Aqua Effects have a tough, white consistency straight out of the tube. The substance dries out milky transparent after a few hours, however. Both small waterfalls and whirlpools and proper waterfalls can be created with Aqua Effects. When designing small waterfalls and whirlpools, the Aqua Effects are applied directly on the model landscape and modelled with a small brush. The waterfall, on the other hand, is made while ‘lying down’ and only installed in the landscape after it has dried.
To do so, first measure out the height of the desired waterfall in your landscape and transfer it onto a bit of backing material. Then model the waterfall ‘lying down’ with a bristle brush. It will take approx. 24 hours for the waterfall to dry. When dry, the waterfall can be carefully peeled off the backing material and glued in the model landscape.