Foam & Spume - The perfect conclusion to your water project
Each breaking wave, each whooshing creek and each waterfall rushing down into a mountain lake creates white spume beside the wave. To reconstruct the wonderful highlights on the waves, NOCH »Foam & Spume« has been developed.

The crowning glory of waves and rapids is white spray. The product “Foam & Spume” was specially developed to be able to recreate this great effect in a model.
You can apply “Foam & Spume” straight from the user-friendly bottle and on the tips of the waves and then model it with a fine paintbrush.
You can apply “Foam & Spume” straight from the user-friendly bottle and on the tips of the waves and then model it with a fine paintbrush.
This gives rapids, waterfalls and waves the final, naturalistic touch. These small white crowns are enough to make the water look moving and foamy.
By the way, the material is coloured model water and not "just" a white colour. Normal white paint would take away the shine of the water and make it look dull. Since it is not white paint, "foam & spray" look much more natural. Try it out!